ASA Institute of Higher Education is dedicated to preventing sexual harassment and sexual assault and gender-based violence. Sexual assault and sexual harassment are against the law in Australia.
What is Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment?
Sexual Assault occurs when a person is forced, coerced, or tricked into sexual acts attempted or sexual contact is performed against their will or without their consent.
Sexual Harassment is any unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature that makes a person feel offended, humiliated, and/ or intimidated.
Full defintions for Sexual Assualt and Sexual Harassment can be located in ASA’s Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedure located in Policies and Forms.
You are urged to read and understand the following information from the Women’s Legal Service, NSW :
There are specially trained people who can help you understand what has happened to you and what your options are.
If you feel you have been the victim of sexual harm, or concerning threatening or inappropriate behaviour or someone does something to make you feel uncomfortable, you can seek help from ASA’s Wellbeing Officer, or external health and counselling services, including sexual assault services who are specially trained people who can help you understand what has happened to you and what your options are. This applies even when you do not want to report to police, or if you have reported to the police. Details will be kept private in line with ASA Policies.
Information regarding consent, promotion of gender equality, respect, diversity, and inclusion and how to access support is available in ASA’s Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedure in Policies and Forms. ASA is committed to ensuring all policies and actions in this arena comply with the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Code of Practice: Effectively Preventing and Responding to Sexual Harassment.
Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment
At ASA we foster an environment where diversity is celebrated, differences are respected, and everyone feels empowered to thrive academically, personally, and professionally. Bullying, discrimination and harassment are not tolerated at ASA.
Australia and NSW have anti-discrimination laws. Discrimination is against the law if it happens at work, in education or at accommodation or retail services. It is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of a number of protected attributes including: breastfeeding, family responsibilities, gender identity or intersex status, impairment or disability, lawful sexual activity, parental status, political belief or activity, pregnancy, race, relationship or marital status, religious belief or activity, sex, sexuality, social origin, trade union activity, and irrelevant criminal or medical record.
If you are feeling unhappy or discriminated against at ASA, please talk to us or connect with ASA’s Wellbeing Officer at
Further information regarding consent, promotion of gender equality, respect, diversity, and inclusion and how to access support is available in ASA’s Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment Policy and Procedure and the Student Support Framework in Policies and Forms.
Important Crisis Support Contacts
- NSW Sexual Violence Helpline: 1800 424 017:
- NSW Health Sexual Violence Support Services:
- NSW Health Resources:
- National Sexual Assault Support: 1800 737 732:
- Family Planning Alliance Australia:
Important contacts can also be located in the Crisis Support, Emergency Contacts and resources page.